Monday, September 26, 2005

some notes about tv, in alphabetical order.

abc world news tonight.
so my niece finally had her television debut on world news tonight last week. her part in the peanut segment was shatteringly short, but she delivered her single line ("it makes me really happy") with style and flair. she's apparently really proud that she was on tv, but simultaneously mortified that she was captured on camera a) eating at the peanut-free geek table and b) sitting next to a boy.

it's tough to be six.

beverly hills, 90210
this show comes on way too much and it's slowly taking over my life.

gilmore girls.
rory is such a little bitch, i swear to god. it's ALMOST enough to make me give up on this show, but, let's face it, i just have too much invested. plus, lorelai's really standing out so far this season (and i'm not just talking about her sudden extreme propensity for wearing tops that show a large amount of cleavage). really, the only entertaining thing that rory has this season was getting into that sweet fight with her fellow community service inmate. if they could just remove rory from the show entirely and then have lorelai adopt paris, it might be perfect.

the o.c.
i've completely given up on the o.c. it really went downhill during season two. all the drugs and attempted rapes and near-deaths and stuff. but, i'm an open-minded person, so i gave the season three premiere a chance. bad idea. significant amounts of superfluous drama. if i wanted that, i'd watch laguna beach or my super sweet sixteen or something. and, by the way, i'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me how frequently people actually get up and leave their hospital beds after being shot in the back and being in a coma for a presumably substantial amount of time? because i thought that could only happen on daytime television.

veronica mars
and now for some television news that is actually timely and exciting: THE SECOND SEASON OF THE BEST SHOW ON EARTH, VERONICA MARS, STARTS WEDNESDAY. as a hardcore fan, it's hard for me to admit this, but here goes: i'm not sure how good this show is going to be now that the big mystery has been solved. and really, i don't know about you guys, but i didn't spend my entire summer ruminating on the "cliffhanger" from the end of the season one finale. but season one is coming out on dvd on october 11, so i can always relive those fond memories if season two doesn't quite stack up.

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