Saturday, September 03, 2005

katrina links.

read this blog if you haven't already. matt showed it to me a few days ago, and i'm amazed every time there's a new entry. from what i understand, it's maintained primarily by a guy who lives in new orleans, and it's currently dedicated to chronicling the events that occur in the city itself.

watch a visibly upset kanye west go off script during the concert for hurricane relief.

listen to an interview with the mayor of new orleans. really powerful stuff. i immediately made a donation to the red cross (interview link via crooks and liars, pointed out to us by matt's dad).

the good news, though, is that more than fifty countries have offered assistance, most recently qatar.

even if you don't quite have $100 million to give, anything helps, and hopefully the donations that are pouring in will jumpstart the relief effort. the people behind gofugyourself have compiled an awesome list of places to donate. and if you're particularly into libraries, consider giving something to the louisiana library association disaster relief fund.

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