Thursday, September 01, 2005

abc world news tonight.

yesterday my six-year-old niece was interviewed by abc world news tonight for a special report that's supposed to run sometime in the next few days. so if you see an awesome little blonde person talking to an interviewer about how she's deathly allergic to peanuts, you should know that she's related to me. i'm not sure when they'll have time to run a peanut allergy segment with all of the other stuff that's been going on (hurricanes, evacuations, gas prices, alligators, snipers, and so forth), but hopefully she'll have her moment in the spotlight soon.

i hope that her first brush with television fame and fortune was more pleasant than my own. i imagine that it must have been, since she probably wasn't a) required to wear her full girl scout uniform AND pantyhose; b) forced to roast marshmallows over a fire in the staggering heat of august; or c) forever captured on film wearing a very embarrassing early-nineties white puffy headband.

not that my experience was all bad. after it was over, they let me ride back and forth on the dolly.

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