Monday, February 05, 2007

i've let myself go: books 7, 8, 9

popco, scarlett thomas

i actually finished this over a week ago so i don't have a lot to say about it now. alice is a creative for a british toy company called popco, and she suddenly starts receiving encoded messages while at a business retreat. i should say that she's really into codes and things... her grandfather was a big cryptanalyst. anyway, very entertaining, though i wasn't a big fan of the end and it also took me forever to read it.

londonstani, gautam malkani

i am so angry about this book that i can't even really talk about it.

let the northern lights erase your name, vendela vida

this was a nice, quick read. it helped cleanse my palate a bit after my HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE WITH LONDONSTANI. anyway. clarissa's dad dies, and she finds out that he wasn't her dad after all. uh oh. she decides to find her real father (her mother disappeared when she was a teenager), so she travels to an extra cold region of scandinavia, and things get even more confusing (but there's an ice hotel, so it's all okay). i didn't particularly like or dislike the main character, but i found myself somewhat surprised by the ending, which was pretty refreshing.


Alicia K. said...

i love scarlett thomas!

jenny said...

yeah, i got her name from your blog. i enjoyed popco. i just checked out the other one of hers that they have at davis... something like going out? have you read it?

Alicia K. said...

yeah, that was her first "real" novel, after she wrote a couple mysteries. it's not as like, intellectual?, as popco or the end of mr y--it's more traditional, i guess. i remember liking it, but not as much as popco or end of mr. y.