Thursday, February 15, 2007

books 11 & 12

predator's gold, philip reeve

second in the series. more crazy future adventure. more hungry cities and a wunderklammer. i'd hate to say more and spoil anything.

about alice, calvin trillin

i debated with myself about counting this as a book. it's hard to know, really, because it's only 80 pages, but it packs a big punch. if you're not familiar with calvin trillin, he's a super great writer who has done lots of different kinds of essay writing. prominently featured in my of his books is his wife, alice, who died in 2001. the first book he published after her death had the best love-related book dedication i've ever read -- "I wrote this for Alice. Actually, I wrote everything for Alice." so this is a little slip of a book that's sort of a memoir of their relationship, and it's really well done. i read several chapters more than once (one way i'm justifying counting it as a full book) and i laughed AND cried. it's really a lovely tribute. if you've got a free hour, you might want to pick this up.

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