Wednesday, February 22, 2006

book 12

bet me, jennifer crusie

i'm getting really bad at this whole book blogging thing. i finished this book like four days ago. anyway. we have to read romance novels for popular materials this week and i chose this one b/c my textbook said that jennifer crusie is also accessible for non-romance readers. this book was fun and fast, if totally improbable. it's all about a guy who is bet 10,000 dollars that he can't get this chubby chick in bed within a month. to make a long story short, they fall in love! crusie is a pretty funny writer, and the characters were quirky enough for me to avoid totally barfing all over the place. also, romance novels are really good at getting you involved. i kept thinking "of course they're going to get together. they have to get together. oh my god, what if they don't get together???" and so on.

did you know that romance novels account for approximately 50% of all book sales in the united states? that astounds me. (edit: it turns out it's really 50% of paperback book sales. still, i'm astounded.)i think i'm going to read some more. maybe a good boddice-ripper next time.

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