Friday, January 27, 2006

actual book 6

uh oh, i'm already getting behind on my reading. oh, library school. how you conquer me.

and now tomorrow, rachel field

for my popular materials class, i have to read a bestseller from before 1950 and one from after 1990, then write a paper about why each was a bestseller, and what it reflects about its society. this was my pre-1950 selection. so i guess this book says: "society likes it when strict gender stereotypes are nicely reinforced. society likes it when NOTHING EVER HAPPENS." the story is all about this young woman who tragically goes deaf right before she's supposed to marry the love of her life. while she's busy trying to get treatments, he falls for her sister and the narrator is too stupid to figure it out. then she gets involved with this doctor who tries to cure her. the whole thing takes place in a mill town during the depression, but all of the poverty and labor organizations get pushed into subplots, subordinated to the TRAGIC TALE OF DEAFNESS AND LOST LOVE. it drives me crazy that she could start reading lips immediately, and that she speaks normally enough so that people who don't already know can't tell she's deaf.

my paper's due pretty soon and i still have to read my post 1990. at home i've got four blondes by candace bushnell and da vinci code by whoever wrote da vinci code. that one's a large print version so it's a little unwieldy, but it looks fast. thoughts? opinions? which should i choose????


Alicia K. said...

hey, i think i read a book by rachel field for that paper--only it turned out to be based on her family, so she kept going ON and ON about the transatlantic cable (whihc one of her many relatives helped create).

can't you read a recent bestseller that you actually want to read? :)

jenny said...

now, alicia, what makes you think that i don't want to read da vinci code. wink wink.